Sunday, October 19, 2014

Update 101914

Hello Everyone! It is getting cold here on the shores of Lake Ontario, but no frost yet. I haven’t posted an update in a while and thought I should let you all in on some of the goings on. (This may end up a long post and I hope I don’t bore you too much).

So far this year my life has been a little stressful. As you may know from an earlier post, Mom was in the hospital with emergency surgery for gastro-intestinal problems early in the year. Since then her forgetfulness has blossomed into dementia. I talk to Mom for about a half hour everyday, but unfortunately, I have not been able to visit her regularly as I’ve been dealing with some medical/dental problems of my own. It’s nothing life threatening, but it’s enough to put me out of commission for a few weeks at a time. However, I am seeing a light at the end of this tunnel and should be back on track soon.

Mom is still functioning with day-to-day living activities, but can be stubborn and surly when it comes to other things ranging from going to doctor’s appointments to arguing about what day it is. She calls me 3-5 times a day (sometimes more). She is obviously lonely and bored, yet she refuses to attend any of the outings or activities available to her at the senior living apartment building where she lives. This is unfortunate as I think she would have a wonderful time and it would give her more structure to her life. My brother, sister-in-law, and I have been working to find an amicable solution to these problems that may involve her moving from a senior living facility to a more assistive-living facility.

I didn’t get to as much gardening as I planned this past summer, although the small amount that I did plant in my herb garden flourished. The wild flowers I planted last year and the gladiolas came up and blossomed beautifully as well, so, it wasn’t a complete loss.

During my recovery times, I had a chance to get to some serious re-writing/editing of my book. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever finish it, but I keep plugging along. I am happy with the way the story is turning out and sometimes it changes in ways I didn’t at first expect. When that happens I have to review and change small details, but that’s okay as I love getting lost in the process of writing. 

My newest feline editions, Cricket and Skipper, are getting bigger everyday. They settle in for more quiet time with me than they did at first, but they still enjoy kitten activities such as randomly running through the house at top speed, attempting to climb the windows, and trying to explore small spaces where they no longer fit. The last activity is especially true of Cricket. A few weeks ago I was walking past an antique cupboard in the dining room and saw Skipper staring at the bottom edge of the cupboard. It was then that I noticed a grey tail. Cricket had squeegee-d herself under the cupboard and was teasing her brother. Luckily, she was able to get out on her own, but she has since discovered she no longer can fit there. Skipper is noticeably bigger than Cricket and he has a fascination with water. The bathroom is his favorite room as there is so much water activity. Last week while I was in the shower I looked up to find him perched above me on the ledge of the shower doors. I was a little concerned that he might jump in so I shooed him away. He hasn’t done this again since, but I am always on the lookout. They sometime do things I don’t appreciate, like dumping over some of my houseplants, but these things are to be expected with young cats. The other night they stole my glasses off my nightstand and it took me all day to find them where they hid them behind a bookcase. I was so happy when I did find them because it’s difficult to read or write without them, and driving without them isn’t a good idea either. However, overall Cricket and Skipper are very entertaining and lots of company, and I love having them as part of my family.

Well, that’s it for now. I hope I didn’t bore you to death. Until next time, I wish you all good health and happiness. PeaceJ (yh) 

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