Thursday, September 13, 2012

Busy Few Days Ahead

Well, it looks like this is the most writing I will do today.  I did nothing but read all day, and I knew from the moment I opened “The Help”  by Kathryn Sockett that I would not put it down.  The only time I became distracted was when Miss Kitty showed up with my tube of Chap Stick, tossing it around as if it were the best cat toy ever made. There is nothing like having a comical cat as a housemate! Anyway, I am almost half way through the book.  If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend that you do.

I probably won’t get too much, if any, writing done tomorrow either.  My mom is coming over for a visit.  We plan on lunch and then shopping.  I am hoping she will have at least one tape of stories for me to transcribe.  If not, I will get her to tell me some so that I will have information to fill in some blank spots.  Not that I don’t have enough to work on already, but I would like to get as much information down as I can.  Mom is getting a little more forgetful lately, and it is a bit of a worry.  After all, she is eighty-five years old, and really, no matter what the age, one never knows…

I do have a couple of poems I am working on and I hope to finish at least one of these this weekend.  I also have a couple of ideas for blogs in “Writing on Writing” and I want to start a new heading (though I am not sure of a heading title yet) that will include a peek into my geek-y side.

 Saturday will no doubt find me reading again.  I will probably finish the book before the weekend is through.  Sunday we are celebrating my brother’s birthday with a family dinner.  So, needless to say, the next few days are looking quite busy.  However, this is good once in awhile as it gives me a chance to live outside my crowded head.  Haha!

I hope you all have wonderful weekends! Thanks for stopping by. ~Yvonne~


Jennifer Lane said...

Have you finished "The Help" yet? One of my favorite novels. The book was great too!

Unknown said...

Not yet, but I am getting there... It is sooo good!!!